So this afternoon I had a tutorial about my project to get me going again. It went pretty well and some things were brought up that I hadn't thought of yet and also things that I can advance with. First of all...I NEED to get working! While writing the dissertation, the project was sort of swept under the rug a bit, so now it's time to really get my head down.
I showed my tutor the experiments I've been doing with blurring the family images, and he seemed to agree that this was a good idea, as it takes my personal relation to the work away from it, and makes it more universal. I have also decided that the images I want to use are of the family groupings, so images with partners and their children, making it so the image is clearly a family image, even if it is blurred.

We talked about the pin pricks in the images, and he brought up the point, what if the image only had one hole? What would this do to the work and would it change it any way. So I'm going to experiment with this and see how it looks. He also said that as the image is already blurred, it's giving the viewer the impression that they are already very close to it, so maybe it is inviting them to look through the holes and see what is beyond the image. I'm not sure about this yet, but again, I shall experiment maybe putting something behind the image. This might just be a light, but it could be something physical like a map for example.
We also ended up talking about space again, and about the recent episode of the Wonders of the Universe with Brian Cox, especially the point he made about atoms being mostly empty, so the majority of things in the universe are essentially empty. This struck a chord in my head while I was watching it and it is a bit strange to think about us being 99% empty. (This wasn't really to do with my project, but it is interesting!) Another point we talked about was the term "family" and groupings, and how everything in the universe is held together in groups such as planetary systems, constellations, galaxies, etc. This brought up the point that we always stick with our families, and no other species really does this. We always feel the need to stick together in a family, and I might try to explore this a bit further, incorporating space ideas into it. Maybe posing the question "What is the gravity that holds families together?" (Corny or what!)
Overall a good tutorial...and I really need to get some work done! Busy times await me!