27 February 2011

The Dissertation

So the dissertation is going OK...just got to 4500 words, so realistically about half way through. Structure so far is:
  • Kodak (all about the advertising, marketing and how they made it available for the masses)
  • Structure of the family album (what used to be put into an album and what is now)
  • Digital cameras (how it has changed the way people use a camera)
  • The Internet (how facebook has changed the way we share images, especially family photos)
Attempting to write the rest next week...so will probably live in the library for a while. Also have a tutorial so I can see if I'm writing anything of any use!

And whilst procrastinating today, i decided to play with my macro mode on my compact camera...and took a photo of my dissertation...ANYTHING to not do work sometimes!

23 February 2011

New idea

In light of being told to keep experimenting, and also to try and get something other than dissertation work done, I have thought of a new thing to try for my project. I was thinking about my assessment and something in particular that one of my lecturers said was that it wasn't the image itself he was looking at, but just the holes in the image and wondering what they were. So I've been thinking about this, and the idea came to me that maybe I should still use the family photos, as I consider this quite important, but blur them so they aren't as recognisable. This way, the family element is still there in the image, but it is more of a background to the constellations. I'm gonna give this a go and see how it looks. This also means that I can increase the size of the images without worrying too much about the quality of the image degrading, as there wont be much of an image to make out anyway.

In other news...dissertation is on it's way now...slowly but surely. I'm up to 4000 words now so technically half way if I aim for the minimum of 8000 words. good times...kind of!

Over and out for the next week or so.....it's not gonna write itself!

15 February 2011

Asessment Feedback

So I had my feedback session this afternoon and all is good with my project. It has been suggested I push the whole "space" idea as far as I can, at least in the research side of things. Also need to look into familial migration and socailogical research. So I need to find out what kind of things have impacted the closeness or distance of people. Also look into what has caused us to migrate to cities, rather than the country which apparently used to be the case.

So all in all I need to carry on experimenting and research like crazy! Also need to build in time to reflect on my experiments so I don't get caught up doing things that aren't working for example.

Busy times await!

2 February 2011

Artist Statement

Family is an interesting concept if you think about it. You have your blood relatives, who are your direct family, and then you have their spouses who have families of their own. They can differ in size with everyone scattered around the country or congregated in one place. When it comes to my own family, both my parents have three siblings each. Each of those siblings is married with no one having more than four children. Five of my cousins have had children of their own, the highest amount being four again. All the family live relatively close to each other, which after speaking to friends of mine, isn’t actually that common. But what I’m wondering is, why has my family all remained so close to each other. I’ve found that under whatever circumstances, most people always end up back in the area they grew up in, even if they have moved away from it initially. Even my Auntie that doesn’t speak to any of us still lives relatively close.

I have plotted each individual family on their own separate map, plotting the homes that they grew up in, and then their homes with partners and children. I plotted everything over an A – Z Street map of Portsmouth, which shows that the majority of my family are on the same two pages of it. There is only one section of my family who aren’t on this map at all and that is because they live in Southampton, with one of their daughters residing in France with her partner. The reason for them living slightly further afield is because my Uncle used to work in the Prison service and it required them to move around a lot. When he retired, he was living in Southampton and didn’t want to move again.

The arrangements of both current and past houses have begun to look like constellations of stars, and being that I have a very amateur passion for astronomy, this was clearly no accident. I found out from interviewing family members that one of my granddads was also interested in space. I distinctly remember a large poster of his, showing the surface of the moon with the seas and craters and I used to love looking at it as a child. Another thing that I remember was two prints given to my brother by a friend of my Dads. These prints, although not original, were signed by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin and I remember wanting them instead of my brother. The prints have luckily been kept, but unfortunately none of my family knows where the moon poster is

This work explores my family, bringing together locations of family homes and family photographs. It has been created through my love of home, and my bewilderment at how we all live so close. I find it strange that my family has ended up in one small area, but I think it is down the closeness of everyone mentally, as well as the size of houses and the familiarity of the area.