2 December 2010

Wall had been hit...

So since the last post, every time I looked at my work, nothing happened in my brain. It was not good and very worrying! So today has been a busy day, but made more busy by two extra tutorials. I am so glad I had these! My head isn't completely cleared, but I now know what to start doing.

First off, dissertation tutorial. My supervisor suggested completely moving away from the tourism idea, especially as I myself haven't really travelled, and my work has now moved away from that. With that in mind, it has been suggested I look into the family and how artists have approached this. So off to the library I went and got a few random books out to start looking at and hopefully over this weekend, things will start to become clearer and I'll actually have an idea to write about. I have also just watched the Genius of Photography: We are Family which was very interesting and has led me to a few more photographers. So as I said, this weekend is time to start reading and jotting ideas down, as time is going extremely quickly!

Next was my project tutorial. This has also cleared my head a little as I honestly didn't know what I was doing anymore. My lecturer has given me some ideas such as begin plotting where all my family live on a big map, start to make connections between people, like who sees each other the most etc. It may begin to look like a spiders web but who knows at this stage. It also became apparent that none of my family live particularly far away, and we are all in very close proximity. No one is more than a half hours drive away really, so these webs will become very interconnected and overlapped. This also led to the wondering of why hasn't anyone moved very far away, and who has compromised to live so close to everyone else, such as partners of family. I am going to compile a list of questions to ask all of my family members and see what arises. This could get very interesting, and at present, I have no idea how this is going to become photographic, but it is more important for me to get my idea going and start asking my family questions.

Hopefully things will be easier now.

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