27 February 2011

The Dissertation

So the dissertation is going OK...just got to 4500 words, so realistically about half way through. Structure so far is:
  • Kodak (all about the advertising, marketing and how they made it available for the masses)
  • Structure of the family album (what used to be put into an album and what is now)
  • Digital cameras (how it has changed the way people use a camera)
  • The Internet (how facebook has changed the way we share images, especially family photos)
Attempting to write the rest next week...so will probably live in the library for a while. Also have a tutorial so I can see if I'm writing anything of any use!

And whilst procrastinating today, i decided to play with my macro mode on my compact camera...and took a photo of my dissertation...ANYTHING to not do work sometimes!

1 comment:

Jade said...